Ammer Pay Telegram Bot Documentation

A step-by-step guide on how to integrate Ammer Pay to your Telegram web-shop

View the Project on GitHub Ammer-Tech/AmmerPayBotDocumentation


This guide will show you step-by-step how to setup a shop with Ammer Pay as a payment acquiring method in Telegram, or connect your existing shop to Ammer Pay.

In this guide we assume you have already created an account with Ammer Pay via the Merchant Hub, if you have not already done so, this step is a pre-requisite.

Our official website: Official web site

(Optional) Step 1: Create a bot for your shop

This step is not required if you already have a bot.

Step 2: Create the Telegram Sales channel in the Merchant Hub

Step 3: Configure your Telegram Sales Channel in the Merchant Hub

You should see this screen when configuring the Telegram Sales Channel:

Telegram Sales Channel Configuration

Index Description
1 Should be selected to Telegram Bot
2 The Ammer Card number to which payments made by customers via the bot will be collected
3 A friendly name (only used and visible in the Merchant Hub) for this sales channel
4 If you are using an existing bot and just want payment processing functionality this is not required. If you are creating a new shop bot, then this is the item list for your shop.
5 Copy-paste the "Bot Token" from Step 1 (if this is an existing bot, please ignore this)
6 Copy-paste the "Gateway Secret" from Step 2.
7 & 8 These settings are only required if you are creating a new shop, they are essentially the texts and buttons shown to users

(Optional) Step 4: Configure the links inside the Telegram Bot

If you created a new Telegram shop, then you probably want the menu button to open the shop URL in the WebApp screen that is rendered by Telegram. To achieve this you will need to copy the URL which is marked in section 8 as the “WebApp” type and you should copy the “URL Data” field contents.

At this point you should open @BotFather, choose the bot you are using the host your shop, and click on the “Menu Button” option. Press the “Configure Menu button” option and the send the bot the URL you copied earlier.

At this point when you click menu your shop should be opened in the embedded Telegram browser.